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How to use it

Vitazyme should be used within the context of a complete crop management system, never by itself. Vitazyme will optimize your existing program by enabling the plant to utilize soil fertility and water more efficiently while reducing costs and increasing productivity. This product is very effective with low nitrogen. Follow this easy-to-use five-point program.

1. If possible, analyze the soil at a reputable laboratory and correct mineral deficiencies and imbalances with expert consultation.

2. Reduce nitrogen fertilizer applications for non-legumes using this test:

Reduce the application each time the fertilizer is applied. Legumes normally need no added nitrogen. Vitazyme will accelerate legume nitrogen fixation.

3. Treat the seeds or transplant roots, if possible, at planting. Treat seeds with a dilute Vitazyme solution, such as 1 liter of a 5% solution for every 50 kg of seed. Mix the seeds thoroughly in a seed or cement mixer or on a tarp. For excellent results, apply the solution directly on the seed row with a planting attachment. Dip or spray transplant roots with a 1% or 2% solution.

4. Apply Vitazyme to the soil and/or foliage. Follow instructions for each crop. In most cases 10 to 20 oz/acre can be applied per application at one to three times during the cropping cycle. A fall application on stubble is effective to accelerate residue breakdown.

5. Integrate other sound, sustainable management practices into the total program. Use crop rotations, minimum tillage, soil conservation practices, and adopted plant varieties.


  • Vitazyme may be tank-mixed with fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Vitazyme does not need to be tilled into the soil after application.
  • The dilution rate is not critical as long as the proper application rate is made.
  • Soil moisture is needed to activate Vitazyme.

Order Vitazyme Today - Available in 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon sizes.


Vitazyme use on corn
...see more field tests

Vitazyme use on grapes
...see more field tests

Vitazyme Brochures, User Guide, and Organic Approvals:
Vitazyme Program [pdf 3.4MB]
Agriculture Brochure [pdf 364K]
Horticulture Brochure [pdf 332K]
Overview Brochure [pdf 1.3MB]
Fertilizer Efficiency [pdf 653K]
User's Guide [pdf 1MB]
OMRI Approval [pdf 233K]
BCS Approval [pdf 382K]
MSDS Safety Sheet [pdf 24K]

Please Note: Vitazyme is approved for organic production with such international bodies as OMRI and BCS.