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Retail Sales Begin

Organic Quarts and Gallons Available!


We have received a supply of organic quart and gallons at the warehouse for same-day shipping. Call 800-728-2716 to place an order. Ask for 'Vitazyme sales' for retail pricing including shipping in the United States. We accept Visa and MasterCard. For commercial farmers ask for 'commercial pricing' for quantity discount information.

Nitrogen Savings

See the User's Guide page 4 on our Brochures page for a description of the amount of nitrogen you can expect to save by using Vitayzme. You should also expect the same or better yield and certainly better quality. Just follow the link on the left titled 'Brochures, User Guides and Organic Approvals' to the User's Guide.

Order Vitazyme Today - Available in 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon sizes.


...see more field tests

...see more field tests

Vitazyme Brochures, User Guide, and Organic Approvals:
Vitazyme Program [pdf 3.4MB]
Agriculture Brochure [pdf 364K]
Horticulture Brochure [pdf 332K]
Overview Brochure [pdf 1.3MB]
Fertilizer Efficiency [pdf 653K]
User's Guide [pdf 1MB]
OMRI Approval [pdf 233K]
BCS Approval [pdf 382K]
MSDS Safety Sheet [pdf 24K]

Please Note: Vitazyme is approved for organic production with such international bodies as OMRI and BCS.